Benvenuto nel nostro Test di inglese Compila gli spazi sottostanti con i dati richiesti e poi premi sul tasto "Avanti" per iniziare il test. Nome Azienda La tua Email Telefono 1. ............. a pencil on the table. They is There is There are They are2. I ............. English coffee. not like like not don't like does not like3. ............. in Milan? Works she Does she works Does she work Do she work4. We are not very rich .…………. house isn't very big. Our His The our Ours5. Sorry, he isn't here. He ………. lunch at the moment. having have has 's having6. There are not ............ students in our class. very much some many7. Paolo .................. English very well. speak can speak is speak can to speak8. Spain is ............. England. more hot than hotter than more hotter than hotter that9. I …………. to the dentist at 2 pm. am going going will be go10. She ………… home yesterday. walk has walked walked walking11. Peter: "The phone's ringing!". John: "……………. It". I'm answering I'll answer I answer I'm going to answer12. I ……………my favourite soap opera on TV when the phone rang. watched watch am watching was watching13. If I …………..a headache, I always take an aspirin. am get get will get would get14. ……………wear a seatbelt when you drive a car. You must to Is necessary to Is necessary You have to15. If I …………..Mary, I will tell her to call you. saw see will see would see16. I am going to the supermarket …………..some vegetables. for buying to buy for to buy that I buy17. (At the end of a letter) I look forward to …………from you. hear listen hearing listening18. When the fax ……….., I will show it to my supervisor. will arrive arrived will arrives19. Mary: "I have a terrible toothache." John: "You ………… a dentist". see should should see would like to see20. Peter: "What …………… Rome like?". John: "It is a very nice city." has does is looks21. …………..eaten Indian food? Never have you Have ever you Have you ever Did you ever22. I ………… scotland this Summer but I'm not sure. will go am going shall go might go23. If I ………….. I would tell you. have known did know knew had known24. "Good morning, can I speak to Ms Roberts, please?" (Ms Roberts' secretary:) "Certainly, who……?" is calling is it is that are you25. My computer is very old. It often breaks ………. off up down out26. You ………….smoke in this office, it's forbidden. should don't have to need not must not27. Last year in Spain 70% of foreign films …………. are dubbed were dubbed have been dubbed will be dubbed28. The plane is …………… than the train. slightly faster a little bit faster much faster more faster29. Could you look ……..this word in the dictionary, please? for at up like30. "Please, please Paul listen to me" said Kate. Kate ……….. Paul to listen to her. said talked asked to begged31. We are thinking ……………….a branch in Brazil next year. of opening to open about open to opening32. "Why are you tired? It's only 11 o'clock". "Because I ……….. hard on a new project all morning". worked have been working have worked am working33. I'm still single. I haven't found my soul ………….yet twin partner mate lover34. When my colleague arrived I was very angry, I ………….for her for 2 hours! had been waiting have waited have been waiting waited35. Oh no, the number is still engaged. I've been trying to …………..through all day. pass put getting get36. I'm glad we've managed to raise public …………..of the issue. knowledge worry opinion awareness37. The plot was really gripping. I think it's worth ……………..that book. read reading to read you read38. Our policy of having a …………..friendly price has enabled us to reach our current position. consumer user supplier market39. I …………..getting up early now that I work the night shift. used to always am used to was40. If I …………..more spare time last autumn, I would have joined a company course. had had did have would have had had 41. That child is very badly …………. He keeps sticking his tongue out. educated behaved mannered grown up42. Congratulations! I heard through the ……………..about your promotion! grapevine rumours word of mouth pipeline43. If we go for a drink after work promise you won't talk …………..all evening. store mall warehouse shop44. The noise from the party was so loud ……………… me sleeping. to prevent as to prevent since preventing as preventing to45. She suggested………….a long holiday before starting my new job. to take taking take she takes46. There was a terrible row about who was going to ……………as managing director. hand over stay on take over stand down47. Our new information technology manager is aware of all the latest ideas, he is really …………… . on the ball streets ahead of on cloud nine over the top48. …………….about that before the meeting, I'd have the papers with me here now. I had known If I know If I have known Had I known49. Tell me what you want! Don't ……….about the bush! move beat Run Think50. Not only …………….interesting novels, but she was also a talented painter. Mary wrote Mary writes might Mary write did Mary write 51. We want to find a partner who will take a ……… in our business. risk share part stake52. "We'd better be going now". "...……….. I". So had So should So would So do53. The head technician's conviction for fraud didn't ………….well on the company as a whole. fall impact reflect show54. Tony's very shy. Get chatting to him and see if you can ………….him out a bit. draw get pull hold55. The company made a ………on the retail side of its business last year. bargain success loss failure56. At this ………….they'll be lucky to get the results out by next week. speed rate pace slowness57. A bird in the hand is worth two in the ………. field tree bush sky58. When I first started they just threw me in at the deep ……… end edge water border59. She's not doing what she's supposed to. She's not pulling her …….. leg weight part share60. I don't want to ……… the boat. turn shake wobble rock Aderente a